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Terms and prices found in our website and in our offers are FOB.
We make selling from different places ( warehouses), depending on brand and quantity.
For exact calculation plese check in Your International Transport Company using:
zip code (warehouse in POLAND.) 83-000 PRUSZCZ GDAŃSKI ( for selling in EU)
zip code (warehouse in Germany) 10318 Berlin ( for export out of EU) Export procedures only for sale over 10 000EUR
zip code (warehouse in Czech Rep.) 101 00 Praha ( for selling in EU)
The approximate cost of shipping 30 kg parcel inside EU amounts to 25-30 EUR.
And for 1 pallet (around 250kgs and 200cm high) amounts to 150-300EUR
transport companies links:
boxes/parcels check here:
pallets ask here in Your counntry office:
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